Fundecitrus launches new version of the phitossanitary alert categories: Environment, Fundecitrus

The Fund for Citrus Plant Protection – Fundecitrus has made available to growers a new version of the online phitossanitary alert system, used to monitor the population of the insect psylid diaphorina citri, that transmits the greening disease.
The phitossanitary alert verifies the occurrence of the disease in more than 138 thousand hectares of citrus, using 18 thousand georeferenced traps. It is used as a foundation for the regional management of greening.
The system was improved considering the suggestions of farmers who participate in regional management groups. Now the programme is available on a mobile version for smartphones and tablets, provides new content and additional information through 94 interactive tools that facilitate data analysis and decision making for farmers.
Every two weeks, farmers update the system with the information found on the traps located in their properties. Using this data and data from Fundecitrus own traps, it´s possible to generate reports for each property and region, indicating the prioritary áreas for controlo f the insect population.
The project is supported by Bayer Cropscience, FMC, Ihara, Syngenta and Koppert. The system is available at Fundecitrus website to all farmers, not only to participants who are part of regional management groups.
Source: Fundecitrus
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